Expand and alchemize your health, wealth, and happiness with health industry tips and resources.
Expand and alchemize your health, wealth, and happiness with health industry tips and resources.
Expand and alchemize your health, wealth, and happiness with health industry tips and resources.
Hi Guys. This is Lindsay, your host for the Untethered with Lindsay Tuttle NP podcast, where we go deep on truly becoming untethered in your life and health and experiencing exponential freedom. We have the radical and uncensored conversations you have been craving and give you the tools for expansion and growth. I’m so glad that you are here and I can’t wait to connect with you.
All right, friends. I am so excited to introduce you to my friend Taylor today. I’m just beaming from ear to ear right now because you are just going to absolutely love Taylor. If you have not met her or connected with her on social media already or in any of the work that she does, Taylor Stone is a leader in higher consciousness, self mastery, and energetics. Through her top podcast, Vibe Higher, and her extended podcast, expansive courses and mentorship, Taylor helps high achieving women raise their frequency to attract what it is they desire. She provides the tools to help women create their individual heaven on earth, working in conjunction with God and their own responsibility as a powerful co creator, combining her background as a former NFL cheerleader, health sciences degree, self mastery and am I pronouncing this right? Alchemical?
Okay. Alchemical. I’ve never seen it that way. Energy healing practices. She’s able to provide her clients with a wide range of proven modalities and techniques to step more into their power and impact in the world. Her mission is to help women remember the power they hold within to become their own self healer and live out their full purpose and potential as a leader. So cool. So wonderful. Welcome to the Untethered podcast from someone who I feel like embodies being untethered.
So I appreciate that. And it’s one of those things where you, you hear that someone embodying that and you know, it wasn’t always that way. And so maybe we’ll get into my story, but it’s such a, an amazing feeling to, to have that freedom, right, that we get to create and we don’t have to live in a space that we’re not happy with?
Totally. And I think that, I like to call it the BS meter. I can really pick up going online now, especially in the past year and going through my own healing and really stepping back into my own alignment. It’s just so easy to see what we were just talking about before we hopped on what feels real and what doesn’t feel real. And so I pick it up right away when I see what you’re doing. It’s very tangible. It’s a very real energy. I feel it while I’m talking to you right now. And that’s how I really measure what I want to be around now. It’s, it’s very clear, but as you just mentioned, it’s a journey to get there. I feel in many aspects, I’m at the beginning of, of this journey with alchemy and, I’ve been doing energy healing work for years, but I’m so excited to hear more of your journey of getting there and just some of the catalysts that got you there. Because as I have seen you share, you started as an NFL cheerleader, and I’m just wondering, they seem like very different worlds. So even before we get that I mentioned to, I love asking people. What is your human design? I always love to ask this to start.
Yeah, my human design, I’m a generator. I’m a 3 5, which if anyone knows anything about that, um, I guess archetype, you could say it’s the one that’s the most polarizing. So it quite literally translates into the martyr heretic. So I literally could not do things according to societal rules, to what someone tells me to do for the life of me. And so when you’re talking about, you know, that BS meter, I have the exact same thing, you know. I can, I can really tap into my intuition and see, you know, what’s real and what’s not. And so, um, it’s funny when I found out my human design, I think in like, 2016. I was like, wow, life makes so much more sense now.
Oh, I love that you’ve known about it that long. I came into it more these last couple years and it’s just been so rewarding just to get this additional tool that, it was like coming home. I was like, oh yeah, that is, that is what I love. And you know, you just find that you get off track and that’s when disease and symptoms start coming up because you’re off track. And so it’s so magical to, to come back into that aligned space. Back to what I was mentioning earlier, I, I just love to know your beginnings. How did this all accumulate? I mean, were you interested in this work when you were in the NFL or how did this all transpire?
So I grew up, I would say my parents are very holistic. So my family, I grew up vegetarian. My dad meditated. My mom’s a nurse. My dad’s a horticulturist. So if you really think of a healer, it really blends those two, right? My mom was in the medical field. My dad, you know, is working with plants and all that. So I grew up really understanding, um, a lot of what we put into our body appreciating, you know, we would go camping all the time.
So I really had an amazing upbringing bringing in the sense that I understood nutrition, though I didn’t always value it, of course, because I was a stubborn teenager. But I was going to college at a community college initially, and I was going to study broadcast journalism. And I had gotten into fitness, I would say right after I graduated high school, not because I was trying to be healthy and keep my body as a temple, but more so because I had broken my ankle dancing and I needed to lose the, you know, 10 to 15 pounds that I had lost. And so I had signed up with a personal trainer. I had gotten really healthy.
And so when I went to sign up for more college courses, all of the journalism classes were full. And so, I’ll never forget speaking to a counselor and she just asked me what everyone should be asked, you know, as a child, I was still a child. I was 17 and she said, well, what do you enjoy? You know, what do you really like to do? And I started talking about how I enjoy health and nutrition and fitness. And she’s like, you would really, you’d really enjoy exercise science. And I have a minor in health promotion. And so I’ve always had this background, I guess you could say of the appreciation for the body and just naturally growing up as a dancer. I was a studio dancer since I was, you know, five years old. I really wanted to get back into that.
And so I think it was 2011, I decided I wanted to audition for the Arizona Cardinals. I also danced for the Washington Redskins. Now they have a different name, but, um, I really wanted to get back into that. And it was kind of through that process, kind of messing up my hormones a lot with a lot of really unhealthy things that I was doing. And I started understanding the concept of, you know, true nutrition and listening to our bodies and studying detoxification and hormones. And then, you know, as I started my business, 2017, when I was having conversations with women, we weren’t talking about what they’re eating. We weren’t talking about you know how many macros they needed to eat. It was about their mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness.
And so it was through that, where I just started learning more because I wanted to help these women more. And I came across vibration. I came across Law of Attraction and energy healing. And it’s just been such a beautiful transition. You know, though I still incorporate the nutrition. And of course, all of the, the things that help our peak performance, I really started to understand that there were these components that we were not utilizing. The unseen, if you will. You know, all of these things that we can work with within the quantum field to heal ourselves.
And so I had a friend, a really good friend approach me and say, hey, you know, I have been doing this work, this all chemical energy healing, for now the past couple of years, I think you would love this course. And so I took an apprenticeship for about four years. I just finished it last year. Still very much a part of these courses and learned how to not only heal myself, but really learn this work in order to teach others.
And so it’s been such a beautiful blend of you know, blending quite literally the physical and the spiritual being that bridge of this higher consciousness. You know, learning how to communicate with our soul and raising the frequency of our body. You know, that word is just thrown around so much when I first started this work in 2018, no one knew what that was. You know, I was kind of like that freak that was talking about vibration and frequency and it was talked about, but not as mainstream as it is now. And so really what that means is by raising the frequency of our body, we open up to higher states of consciousness. We open up to our soul and to our higher self, and you are able to experience the downloads and information because we are not meant to be led by other people.
Of course, mentorship is important. Courses are important, but ultimately we are meant to be our own leaders. We are meant to tap into our own information. And so that’s really how, and I leave the NFL aspect in there. I’ve had coaches say, you know, you might not be that relatable if you leave the NFL aspect, but I think it does make me relatable because it, it really shows that you don’t have to be this, like, hippie wearing, mala wearing, wearing all white all the time. You know, I always joke and say that if you were to see me walking down the street, no one would be like, oh, wow, she’s a healer. Because I just don’t have that to me. And I think that’s why, I think that’s why my soul picked my avatar. Because I will reach different people. So, in essence, short story long. That’s really how I got into it. And it’s, it’s just been such a beautiful evolution of seeing where and how we can quite literally upgrade our lives using essentially the unseen and working with the quantum field.
Yeah, with everything that you’re sharing it, it speaks so much to me in the sense of, one, I also was pursuing journalism initially years ago. That was my first, my first interest. And I still love to write and that’s why I’ve kept different aspects as far as blogging and different tools that allow me to have that. And that’s been a part of my own journey, realizing, oh, I actually really enjoy being creative and having that outlet and allowing myself permission to do that. But also, like you said, with the NFL of just, you know, that was part of your beginnings and that’s part of your story. And I think so often people see all these people that they perceive as having to be arrived.
Like I hear all the time from people in my work like oh, how did you know that you were fully healed and I’m like, I’m not like I’m still never I’m still going but you know, it comes from I’m so grateful that like I had this background in being in Western medicine because it allowed me to see that paradigm and how that, that is, was a great beginning to show me that I am called to the work of helping people heal. But not in this traditional model or setting and you had these experiences that you knew that you loved health and healing. But I like to think of them as these these course corrections or these just redirections that happen that are just like nope like you need to go this way.
And so I love that you kind of were in the more of the OG. You’re one of the OG people when it comes to this and one of the things that I really appreciated and even listening to your podcast was you sharing the value of hiring these mentors and just allowing for yourself to have these experiences of study. So that you are doing this work because I think I realized a few years ago, I remember just being in the and I still like in motherhood and flowing with that and all the different things going on. But I was like, even with all these things going on, I knew I needed the mentorship, I knew I needed the support and it didn’t make sense even financially at the time, but it was like this soul moving, like you need to have these people that are showing you just what you have already and you are ready to tap into.
And so I love that you mentioned that as well. And I’d love to know, kind of how you felt led in that way with just because you said, you know you’ve got more into the energy in that quantum realm. What let you know in your own work and in your own body like hey I’m on the right track here and with just the the mentorship that you’ve pursued?
Oh, I love this question. Well, first off, I have never invested in myself when I fully had it. I mean, I think that that’s a misconception and obviously I’m not giving financial advice. I’m not saying don’t pay your bills, but I am a huge advocate because of where I am now versus where I was. Quick story. You know, I, I was married and got divorced in 2015. I ended up moving across the country, just putting everything that I could in the back of my forerunner at the time and took that huge risk and didn’t have, I think I had like $200. I didn’t have my own bank account. I had nothing. And so gratefully I moved in with my brother for a few months and I ended up living with my aunt for a full year until I got back on my feet, was able to get an apartment.
And I just remember being at these jobs all in the health field, but making like $16 an hour or whatever it was. And I did remember having that credit card. And I thought, you know, if I’m going to get out of this situation, I need to invest in myself, period. Like I just, I knew that I had to do that in order to grow. Was it scary? Sure. And there’s going to be different opinions about that, but I have many, many times up until now, invested when it didn’t make sense, when it wasn’t quote unquote responsible. Because I knew the power in mentorship and in order to get where I wanted to going, I needed, I needed to be in the energy of first of all, the mentor, of course, the teacher, the leader, and then also like-minded women.
To this day, I still invest heavily in myself because though I don’t have anyone keep me accountable, it keeps me accountable, right? It keeps me in the space of ever evolving. And as we mentioned, we’re, we don’t ever arrive. We don’t ever, you know, fully heal, but for me, I need that energetic support. So I invest in, in other healers that I work with. I invest in, you know, business coaches, things like that, because I want to expand. And if I have a service that I know more people need to be receiving, then I need to put myself in that energy. And so I don’t, I don’t see mentorship as something that you like do for six months. And then you don’t do for another two years.
Um, I think that’s kind of crazy because to your point, everyone needs someone that they can speak to. Now, I’m not someone who completely disbelieves in therapy. I think there is a time and place, but it needs to be bringing you forward. It needs to be taking you from where you’re at, to where you want to go. That to me is the definition of mentorship, coaching, and really getting you to a place where you can fully expand. And so that’s really my belief behind it. And I really believe that in any area, you know, whatever it is that you’re working on, and more than likely, you know, I’m working on multiple things right now as well. I will invest in that to go to different places, you know, and I will, I’ve always kind of joked that I invest more money on my health and wellness than anything else, you know, than, than all fancy things that, you know, for me don’t bring me that much joy. It’s like, you know, it’s crazy to me. Like if you were to see how much money I spend on supplements and I know you’re the same way and just on, you know, I’m an experienced person, so I’ll spend more on, on trips than I would on a car, you know.
We will find a way. And that’s what I really want more women to understand that it’s not always going to make sense. It’s always going to be scary, but you, you have to have your will and your higher self take the lead over the fear. And so again, I’m not trying to give advice saying going into debt, but shit, I’m grateful that I was able to do that. And to this day, you know, if I’m not able to do something, I’m, I’m resourceful. I’m going to figure it out because I know it’s going to propel me forward. And so I just, I don’t know how anyone can survive nowadays, especially, you know, since COVID without that, that support and that community. And if you don’t have one, you need to find one. That’s, that’s just kind of the bottom line, right? You know, and especially if you’re no one, you know, I believe should be struggling, right? I think we all inflict our own struggle, but if you are really wanting to transform your life, I think that’s the first place to start.
Yeah, I mean, I think with what you shared with the, the money aspect of that, something that I’ve been just really digging into myself these last couple years is, you know, how much am I in this place of surrender and trust? And really allowing as much as I am on the opposite end, operating from a place of control and fear, which is just lifelong patterns, right? Right. And so what I’ve realized in the process and you know, it’s a continuous like you said is there’s many times that I have to face that fear or just the loneliness or the grief of knowing I am doing it so differently than what I’ve always done it as and what I’ve I have this sense of maybe what’s expected of me, which is just my own thing, right? And it’s, it’s all trickling down.
It’s just also, like you said, so liberating when you actually take the leap and it’s so different. You know, I grew up in a really religious home and I know many of the people that I work with, and I’m sure you as well have had that experience. Though I knew from a very young age, I was already familiar with energy, medicine, and work, and just, I already, I think we all have these gifts as, as kids, and just different things in our environment and culture just prevent us from fully activating and stepping into it. But, you know, I, I think the one thing that has been really challenged is what you said with money, and with, you know, the construct as you know, many people view it as this well, this just and this thing that is like a sense of controlling them when it’s like exactly the opposite.
And so that’s something I’m still in that, that healing journey of that. But when you were saying, like, not saying don’t go into debt, but we kind of are, in some ways. Yeah. You know, we’re kind of saying just like, you know, allow for it to be different than what you’ve just been attached to.
Yeah. And I’ve heard other women, not women I’ve worked with specifically, but talk about this exact thing, which in a sense, no one needs permission, but it gave me permission. Like, oh, okay, well, it’s not bad to have said, you know, amount of money that you still quote unquote owe. Because. I have never been in a circumstance where I’ve invested in myself, which who knows how many courses, programs, mentors I’ve had now, but I’ve never been in a situation where I was like, oh my God, I wish I, I didn’t do that. I’ve always, because here’s the thing. I am the one that produces the results. I don’t depend on the teacher, healer, coach to do the work for me. I have to do the work. And so that’s something that I have really built that trust within myself. It hasn’t always been there.
I’m not looking and seeking for the person to change me, but I am saying, hey, I don’t know it all. And if I don’t know it all, I need to find people who can assist me in whatever it is, right? You know, I always say that you can have this incredible transformation in just a few months, or you can go to YouTube University and do it in 10 years, right? You know, you, you want to have that. That’s really the quantum leap of finding those to collapse time. And for me, I’m all about that. Like I’m all about working smarter and not harder. And so I have had to work around the money, right? The abundance consciousness and just reminding myself, like I’m powerful, I’m resourceful, and that’s what I really instill in everyone, whether they’re working with me or not on the podcast, on my email, you know, on social media, it’s like, if your higher self wants to bring it through, I think that’s the biggest point here.
If your higher self wants to bring it through, you need to trust that. And you need to trust that. If it doesn’t all make sense right now, it will. And I’ve seen that time and time again, where I’m like, are you sure? Are we really doing this? And then I do it, whatever that may be, whether it’s investing, whether it’s stopping something, starting something. And then in retrospect, you’re like, oh right. Hindsight is always 2020. You have to always just trust yourself. And so that’s one of my main missions, of course, raising your frequency, but really trusting in, in your soul and in your higher self, because life was not meant to be so complicated where we are constantly, you know, in a struggle and not knowing what to do.
We do need guidance, but ultimately we are the last word, right? We are the person who gets to decide what it is that we are going to move forward with. And so it’s something that I’m incredibly passionate about in terms of, you know, investing in ourselves. And, you know, I, I don’t know one successful woman, whether she’s a peer or someone that I know from afar who hasn’t done that and continues to, to continue to go further in their career or whatever it is they’re looking to achieve.
Yeah, totally. I’d love to know Taylor too, I was thinking as you were talking, I’d love to know what have been your core daily habits that have made the most profound difference in stepping in and activating that higher self.
Prayer definitely has, has been, if not number one, it’s, it’s one of the number one, just having the connection to God, to my higher self. Like you, I have had to heal a lot of religious programming. I grew up hardcore Catholic. I even at 20, I think I was 21 converted to the LDS religion. I was trying to find God outside of me. I was trying to seek all these religions and not really understanding that it was within me. And so as I’ve built that deeper connection, I have been able to manifest so much. And I think we need to remember that when we pray, it’s not just, you know, talking to a proverbial God. We’re actually putting that information into the quantum field. And so that is what is going to be matched back to us.
Visualization is another huge one for me. Some people can call it meditation. I am not a huge meditator, I’m the first one to say that. I, I really love walking visualizations walking. Um, if you want to call it meditations, but visualization. I’ve been manifesting since I, before I even knew what manifestation was, you know, I think I saw The Secret in like 2007 and rolled my eyes and, you know, didn’t think too much about it. But then, you know, over the years when I’ve learned about manifestation, I started to understand that I’ve been manifesting for a really long time. You know, I, went to school full time, had a full time job, and I would have to drive a lot back and forth to dance classes, things like that, and I just remember, like, listening to music and just visualizing, you know, what I wanted in my future. Not understanding that that’s actually what manifestation is, and so those two are definitely definitely core.
And then also movement, you know, getting into my body, I think has been so healing. I know that you teach that as well. And, you know, going from someone who, you know, has a fitness background, thinking that it needs to be about how many reps and how many circuits and, and when are you doing leg day and when you’re doing this? And I still, to an extent do some form of that. It’s just about moving my body, getting my lymph going, moving energy, right? We have to move energy every single day. I, the way I like to explain it is that if we are, you know, fully water, we’re like 90 percent water now, um, is what the new research is saying. You know, we create quite literally a dam within ourselves. And what happens when we dam ourselves is we create stagnation and that’s when, you know, toxins build up and that’s when all kinds of things get disrupted and disease occurs.
And so, um, I would, I have many different practices. I don’t have a morning routine. I don’t believe in that anymore. I ask my higher self, you know, what are we doing today? Like what, what’s the practice? Um, but it’s always going to be some form of prayer, visualization and then moving my body, however that looks.
Yeah. I’m inspired with the moving. I don’t do as much as I’d like to do these days just with kids and, and all the things, but my goal for sure is the, the walking, that’s the one thing that I’m like, you know, if I can just walk and I bought this little home treadmill. I’m like, that’s just makes such a big difference in my day just to, it just pumps me up. And I come from this background of being a marathon runner. And then I got…
Oh, wow. I didn’t know that.
Oh, I was such a hardcore runner and I do miss that and that was one of my goals that I’m actually working on this year because I, uh, went through Lyme and mold illness and so I’ve just been building back and being patient with that and just offering self compassion that I, you know, I can build back and it doesn’t have to be, you know, at a certain pace, at a certain time, just allowing for it but I do want to get back to some sort of running. But the walking for me just feels like such a gift to give myself after just all the all the things all it’s like the one self care aspect that I feel like with all the things that come up I can do that and so I love that you mentioned that and just also that the daily habits you have the flexibility to change and to to shift and see what feels good. I am not a morning routine person at all. So I love that you said that
You know another thing to consider. Yeah, you know, I used to be like hardcore. I mean if you listen to my very first podcast, it’s like if you don’t It’s been on my list. So I’m glad you mentioned that.
I can’t, I have many recommendations, not affiliated with any of them. I started off with just like a $49 Amazon one, which was great. Then I recently upgraded to what’s called a seller sizer, sell, sell you sizer, not affiliated. Um, but it’s, it has like NASA technology of like the G force. And I just, I can’t say enough about that. And the thing about the rebounder is like, you only need like 10 minutes and it helps your lymphatic system. It moves energy. So if those days where I’m not like actually getting in movement, I mean. It’s amazing. Cause then you can be, you know, working or you can do your visualization or watch a TV show.
So that, that’s what I would recommend for those, you know, moms out there, women who are busy first and foremost, make time for yourself, of course. But if you’re finding yourself like not being able to like get out 10 minutes, all you need.
Yeah. I’m glad you actually mentioned that. Cause that’s been in my Amazon cart as far as like, I keep taking it. Save for later, save for later.
But now I’m like, there’s, this is a sign.
There’s many health benefits to it.
Yeah, right. No, you’re so, you’re so right. So I’d love to know too, Taylor, I was listening to your podcast and, and, and seeing all that you talk about, you’ve been doing this group mentorship as inner circle, but you mentioned that you’re, this is your last round, you’re, you’re shifting in some way, so I’d love to know maybe, I don’t know if you’re sharing this information yet, but where do you feel like you’re being Just what you’re stepping into next or where you’re seeing these shifts for you?
So here’s where I am practicing what I preach. I have no idea what’s next, but my higher self has said, this is the last round. And so I’ve had women kind of like almost fearfully, I never want anyone to depend on me, right? I never want to be someone’s guru. And so when I have women come to me and be like, oh my God, you know, who have been in there for four years now, this is the last round. I’m freaking out. It’s like, no, you are powerful. I’m not going anywhere. I’m still going to have offerings, but that’s a trust walk for me too. Because I have now, this is now my ninth time and an alchemy ninth signifies completion. And I actually didn’t know that when I got that information of this is the last round. And then I was like, oh, that actually makes sense.
And so, I actually have not had that information come through. So it’s very much a trust walk for me. And that’s why I will forever, you know, be a student because I don’t know all the answers either. And, you know, though, there’s some fear around that, like, oh my God, like this has been my baby since february 2020. One thing that has come through that I will be doing, I don’t know if this is going to replace it, is a mastermind of some sort, just helping a smaller amount of women, you know, expand and having that like very intimate type container.
But yeah, you know, that’s, that’s I think the beautiful thing about this work. And if you would have asked me like three years ago, would I make a decision to do something without having all the steps? I would have been like, you are out of your goddamn mind.
There’s that control aspect, right?
I have had to release, alchemize, heal so much control and ultimately, what it comes down to is when we, again, open up our channels more, when we clear our channel so that we can receive that information, intuition, knowingness, then we don’t have to be in fear any longer. We don’t need to know exactly what those next steps are. And so I am very much in that process of just, you know, waiting for that to come through. And it’s, it’s been a beautiful thing, but I’m not going to sit here and say that there isn’t some fear that pops up and, and that’s why we alchemize it and we heal it. And I teach how to do that because we’re not meant to be like walking around in fear all the time and not knowing what’s going to happen because that’s why we have a soul. That is why we have a soul.
And I love that you’ve mentioned too, just, you don’t want anybody to be relying on you in that way. I mean that is the ultimate job of a healer and a guide and a teacher is that we’re equipping, we’re equipping and empowering. And that’s where.
I see there is a huge collective shift of people getting this information. Just understanding. Yes. Like I hold the key and something that I know we’ve talked about quite a bit. I’m excited for you to elaborate on it because it’s so special. It was really special for me to observe this as an entrepreneur and someone who is just really entering a chapter of just softening and allowing myself to allow for less to be more and to allow It’s been so powerful for you. I don’t see many people do it. But it really was so significant because I had felt that I had just been called to pull back. And, and not in a way of pulling back any sort of, things that I wanted to bring forth as far as messages or gifts and ways that I want to help people. But just that I think I was just releasing that part of me that felt that I need to just always be present on social media and always producing and putting out there and always, you know, just giving, giving, giving, giving, giving to the point of exhaustion. And really in the past year, I stepped back so much to the point that it was just a lot of grieving with that part of me. And so I just love to know for you, just seeing you embrace that and your journey with it. It’s just been really cool to watch and I’d love to just hear more about what inspired that and what you’re experiencing now as a result of doing that?
Yeah. So this has been, I mean, you want to talk about upgrades. So up until I took my nine month break off, you know, I always joke that like I could have had a baby and no one would have known because I was off that long. Yeah. Yeah. But up until, so I took my nine months from September, 2022 until June, 2023. So you and I met around November when I was back on social media.
But up until then, I had only taken like a week off here and there, you know, I think maybe once I did take a full month. Yeah, I think I did take a full month off a few times. And basically, again, it comes back to just listening, you know, to what my soul is telling me to do. And, and I do want to clarify that I have never had burnout on social media. I mean, of course, to an extent, we get frustrated. We have all those things, but these breaks were not because of burnout. They were not because I’m like, oh my God, I’m just so over this, or I’m so exhausted. And that has been, I would say a secret weapon of mine because I have taken these breaks when I don’t need them.
And that ladies needs to be something that we all need to implement that we do this, you know self care or whatever you choose to call it before you actually need it. And so the nine months was interesting because initially I always just take the cue and get off social media I never know like is this going to be a week? Is it going to be two weeks? And each time I would go to get back on social media I would get a no. And so I would revisit it over and over again is a time to get back on? And what my soul has shared with me when I, I, I now realize is that I was creating in the field rather than creating in the physical, right?
So I was planting these seeds. I was doing these healings, you know, nothing stopped in terms of my containers. I still was holding courses. I still had my podcast. I was still very consistent with emailing all of those things. The only thing that was different is I just wasn’t promoting or even showing up. When I say it wasn’t on social media, I deleted the app. So I wasn’t like consuming either. I wasn’t, you know, checking DMS. I think I would check them maybe like once a month just to see if, if anyone had questions, things like that. So I deleted the app and I just fully trusted, you know.
And one of the questions I always get like, what about revenue? Weren’t you afraid that you were going to lose money? And I did, but I, I, I didn’t anticipate it to the sense of like manifesting it. And I wasn’t trying to manifest that. But I knew that I would have a little bit of a hit and I was okay with that. And now, you know, I think I, I took like a month or two off again, the end of 2023. And each time I get back on, I’m rejuvenated. I’m excited. The downloads are flowing. I feel so much clearer than I have before. My mission, my service, where I’m going is so much clearer. And I wish more women would give themselves permission to fully step back. You know, I don’t have this huge team who was like posting for me either.
You know, it was one of those things where I just had to fully trust that that is what I needed to do. And now, you know, showing up as I am, I am in a place of doing it from, again, this very high vibration, high frequency, not that I wasn’t before. Um, but it’s at another level and I have just learned to fully trust that. And again, doing it before you need it. I cannot convey that enough, you know, doing anything before you need it. I mean, proactivity is how we escape suffering, you know. Doing things to prevent disease, doing things to nourish your, your nervous system, doing all these things ahead of time so that you’re not playing catch up, right?
So that has been the secret sauce, I guess you could say, and has been huge in terms of upgrades and, and ultimately what Yeah, it’s, it’s so good. You know, you talking about this. I had gotten this, it was very much a God message back in last May to take December off of social media. So God gave me advanced notice. So it’d be like, okay, wow, that’s amazing. It was just, I had a very a knowing, like you’re supposed to take the entire month off. And then as the month got closer, I started negotiating, you know, I started negotiating of, you know, all these things that I had to do. And, you know, it was just, you know, all those BS stories we tell her. Yeah. Yeah. And it was just, the irony is that I remember the first day of December, my youngest got sick and I couldn’t even get online really. I mean, it was just one by one, all my kids got sick and those first two weeks of the month that I had negotiated for, I just was so depleted. I was like, what was the point of this? You know, I, if I have just like, I got the message, just honor the message. So it was, it was very encouraging for me to, to know that there was a reason that I was told for December and also moving forward, it just helped give me that clarity of really honoring the message, like you said, and that, that trust and really knowing that it’s all working out for me. So when you really understand that, you’re like, sure, sure. Why not? You know, like I know that it’s all like, everything is conspiring for me to have an even greater outcome from this. So why am I even questioning it?
And I come back to that, you know, it’s so inspiring for me to see you do that because really had been coming to that in the past year, but as you mentioned, I just had different people in my life who were like, why would you do that? You can’t afford to do that. You know, all this, this clutter, but it wasn’t my voice. It wasn’t what I was actually getting. And I had to really hone in on like, it doesn’t, it doesn’t matter what I’m hearing. I have to honor this. And so I just want you to know, and I know I’ve told you this, it’s just really inspiring for me to see because I knew that for you to
Right. And, and I truly believe that our souls will create chaos if we don’t listen kind of to your point of December 1st hit all of a sudden, your kids you know, started getting sick and they’re like, oh shit. I should have just listened. Not that that wouldn’t have happened, right? But I really believe, you know, we created a soul contract before we incarnated, right? So we knew what exactly we were going to have occur from who we married to what our business is, to who we’re going to be in contact with all of these things were already pre orchestrated.
So as I’ve, I’ve grown, evolved, gained more wisdom. I’ve pretty much made the commitment of, I’m just not going to stress. Like I spent, I would say half of my twenties, even into my teens, just with debilitating anxiety because I always wanted to know the future. I always wanted to know what was going to happen and, you know, had a little bouts of hypochondria there too. And you know, I’ve pretty much just made the decision the last few years that I’m not going to stress about this shit, right? I’m not gonna, if this is already predetermined, yes, we have to work. Yes, we have to use our human body to get things done, but I’m just, if I’m getting information, I’m going to trust it, right?
I’m going to allow that process to occur. And I’m always met with the confirmation, right? I’m always met with, Oh, okay. So I trusted that. And then, you know, this happened, right? So it’s just been, it’s been beautiful, just, you know, watching my own evolution, calling myself out on my own BS, you know, all the stories, you know, negotiating. I can’t tell you how many times I catch myself also negotiating with myself. And it gets easier. I will say that, but it only gets easier because you nip it and you say, I’m not doing this any longer. And I’m committing to my higher self and my highest potential. Period.
Yeah. I knew I had to ask you about the, the social media component because I’ve seen just there’s very few people, like I mentioned, who really just taken that step as a part of more healing and part of actually upgrading their business. And so I love that you’re just sharing there can be this completely other experience and I’m encouraged because I already know when I’m supposed to take another break so…
Oh wow.
I’m I’m ready I’m ready so yeah.
And it’s slowing down to speed up. People don’t get that you know when we slow down we can speed up and I’m just so grateful that you know I hear from women, entrepreneurs not just entrepreneurs but women in general of you know having this burnout and it’s, it doesn’t have to be that way, you know? We can, we can really prevent that and recharge and, you know, have that again, upgrade that you know, most people won’t trust, unfortunately, in order to experience.
Well, and I think, too, it just is an invitation to go further into our feminine energy. Yes. And just to soften and allow and be in flow. And I realize, how many years of my marriage I made so much harder because of this relationship I had with my work and giving really for approval and meeting these wounds that were so deeply ingrained that it was just, you know, and I, and I know I had to go through that. I was just a part of my journey to show me what, you know, I, I needed to be able to step into but it’s like you said it doesn’t need to be a struggle and when I think of just even the the metaphysical aspects of adrenal fatigue it’s like this addiction to struggle and self sabotage and so when I see all these women pretty much all dealing with adrenal fatigue, you don’t see all these layers of, why are you making it so damn hard, you know?
Yeah. And why I think a question I always ask myself, if I ever get into that vibration of struggle, I’m like, why am I choosing this? You know, where am I choosing this? Because again, I use the word resourceful because that’s just something that I believe we all have. And if we’re in stress and anxiety and fight or flight, we rob ourselves, you know, our amygdala of being able to figure things out and have that resourcefulness. And so whenever I get in those states, because again, human, you know, whenever I have that happen and I feel like, you know, I don’t have enough time or something’s happening, I ask, where am I choosing this, you know? And, and I, that immediately gets me out of victim and it gets me into control and the sense of in a healthy way, right. That I can actually be resourceful. I can figure this out rather than just, you know, becoming that, you know, victim to my circumstances, which is never the case ever.
Yeah, I love that so much. Well, Taylor, it was so fun having you on. I feel like I can talk with you for a lot longer and I’m just looking forward to everybody getting to hear this and connect with what you’re doing and you’re offering because you just emit such a beautiful energy and space. And so I’d love for you to be able to share where can people find you? Um, what’s next? How can people plug in and be able to connect further?
Yeah, well, this was an amazing conversation. I will have you on mine when I start interviewing again, just so we can keep it going, which will be probably a long time. But, um, the best place to find me is on Instagram at I am Taylor Stone. I am currently on social media. So if for some reason I am not on, I still have a lot of epic content there that you can binge. Uh, the next best place would be my podcast, which is called Vibe Higher. Which we talk about all things, energy, healing, worthiness, self empowerment, all the ways in which we can, again, expand, grow both physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
And then also my website, which is, www.iamtaylorstone.com where you can find all of my self paced courses. Um, we talked about the inner circle a little bit that will be closing for enrollment here in March. I know that you’re planning to release this a little bit later, but. Okay. Check back, you know, maybe I will, you know, have another offering that aligns. And if not, I have plenty of self paced courses that, um, are super powerful.
Yeah. You have so many incredible resources cause I’ve gone to your website and I just, I’ve inspired and it’s so cool. I love everything you’re up to. So thanks so much, Taylor, for saying that, spending this time today and just getting to share your gifts and your voice and just your love with all of us. And so I can’t wait to just continue the conversation and thanks so much.
Thank you so much you guys for listening to the show. I’m so glad you’re here. Come say hi on Instagram at Lindsay Tuttle NP, which is my practice page or find me on Lindsay on the Haven, which gives you the behind the scenes of our day to day intentional living on our homestead.
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